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Find Out If You Are Depressed With Our Free Depression Evaluation

Figuring out if you have a depression disorder isn’t always a straightforward answer. Even though you might have had treatment for depression in the past, you might still endure symptoms of treatment-resistant depression. The following assessment can be the initial step in discovering if you’re going through more than “the blues.”

Then call The Counseling Center to figure out the next steps. We can help you move forward with depression treatment.

*This assessment should not be considered a replacement for a proper clinical examination.

What is Depression? How Can I Tell If I Am Depressed?

Depression is more than feeling unhappy at one point in time. Rather, depression is a common but consequential mood disorder. Your symptoms may vary, but they may impact your thoughts, feelings and how you handle day-to-day activities and relationships. Here are some signals to watch for:

  • Persistent hopelessness, sadness, or feelings of desolation
  • Loss of interest in pursuits once enjoyed
  • Significant changes in appetite -- either undereating or overeating -- or weight
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • Thoughts of uselessness or that you’re disappointing your family
  • Difficulty focusing or making decisions
  • Withdrawing from family or friends
  • Thoughts of suicide or dying

If you have two or more of these symptoms for greater than two weeks, it could be an indication of depression, and seeking professional help is crucial.

What Is Treatment-Resistant Depression?

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a kind of major depressive disorder that doesn’t respond adequately to at least two different antidepressants and is identified by long-term symptoms like sadness, anxiety, or social isolation. Treatment-resistant depression might need a different care plan than other depression disorders. Treatment could include a mix of prescribed medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modifications.

You might have treatment-resistant depressive disorder if:

  • You’ve been diagnosed with a depression disorder
  • You have already attempted two or more antidepressants
  • You currently have moderate to severe depression symptoms

New treatments, like Spravato, are proven to help individuals with TRD. This ketamine nasal spray is taken in addition to oral antidepressants to manage depression. Provided under medical supervision, Spravato affects particular brain receptors to help create new pathways and mitigate depression symptoms.

Request more guidance on how Spravato can help you prevail over depression by calling The Counseling Center at 866-850-5001 or submitting the following form.

Get more information about how Spravato may help you break out of your depression by contacting The Counseling Center at 866-850-5001 or sending in the form below.

How The Counseling Center Is Able To Help You Handle Your Depression

The Counseling Center has extensive experience with Treatment-Resistant Depression. You can get help for depression and anxiety in through

  • Mental health evaluations
  • One-on-one counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Family therapy
  • Medication management
  • Mental Health Intensive Outpatient programs

Treatment for depression starts with a personal appraisal that looks into your past experiences, current symptoms, and the medicine you’re taking. Next, we will design an individualized treatment plan to accomplish your mental health objectives. This may consist of group counseling, individual counseling, and medication.

Dial 866-850-5001 now to see how The Counseling Center can help.