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Rising Above Depression with Personalized Therapy on the East Coast

Depression is a mental health disorder marked by feelings of sadness, emptiness, lack of desires, and believing nothing you do matters. Although you might feel alone, depression is an increasingly common mental health issue, and countless people worldwide are experiencing the awful effects of depression every day. Whether due to a traumatizing event or no specific known reason, depression can hit anyone. However, the reality is that no one needs to take this disorder lying down. Many of those seeking to combat their depression seek the aid of medication to mitigate the debilitating and sometimes paralyzing effects of their depression.

This is where the role of Depression Therapy comes in, providing patients with a method of betterment that involves the treatment of counseling to find the source of their depression. The Counseling Center offers Depression Therapy services that help identify and address these feelings and find a pathway to recovery. Depression therapy helps individuals realize they are much more than what this disease tries to make them feel. Depression Therapy can be done without the aid of medications or as a combination of counseling and medication. Depression Therapy is the best choice you can make to get yourself to a better, healthier you without struggling alone.

Are You Depressed?

It can be hard to tell the difference between feeling sad and experiencing depression. Even if you've been diagnosed with depression before, you can still experience treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Take this quick, confidential assessment to better understand your feelings.